1 minute read

Hey there!

It’s been a while since my last post. Since then, I took a trip to Japan, got an AWS certification, and had my workload tripled (because I’m an excellent employee).

It’s not that I have given up on this site. It is just that sometimes, you build up so much expectation about something that it turns overwhelming.

I have a bunch of stuff in my backlog that I want to write about, technologies that I want to study, like decorators, Go, or JavaScript. The thing is that these topics take some time for me to study and grow the courage to write about them. And since I have a lot of stuff going on in my life, I kind of forgot to come back, sorry.

But I’m back! And today I’m going to talk about my AWS certification. I was granted the AWS Cloud Practioner Certificate. My first step into the Cloud.

Ok, not the first. I work with cloud services in my day-to-day life, but usually in a very narrow and delimited way. This certification is, in some way, the first chance that I got to explore the cloud as a developer, not like the button pusher.

This certification has a LOT of content, and it took me quite a while to even learn the names of the services. Like, Fargate is a container manager, Athena is a query service to analyze data, Kineses lets you stream big data in real-time, then Sage Maker that helps you build your ML models. Seriously, what with all these names?

And I’m not even considering the security services. So yes, taking that certification only took me like, 4 months… Now that I have conquered this milestone, I can take time to rest and start to write about technology again. But I also want to write a little about my life, my cats and dogs.

Anyway, that’s it, I am back!